Uses of Future Perfect Tense, Explained with Examples

(1) Completion of an action before a specific point in the future:

  • By the time she arrives, I will have finished cooking dinner.
  • They will have graduated by the end of this academic year.
  • By next month, he will have traveled to five different countries.
  • By the time we reach the theater, the movie will have already started.
  • By the time the guests arrive, we will have decorated the house.

(2) Predictions or assumptions about past events in the future:

  • I’m sure they will have enjoyed their vacation.
  • By tomorrow, the sales team will have closed several deals.
  • I believe he will have found a new job by next week.
  • The project will have been completed by the time the client reviews it.
  • By the time the exam is over, you will have remembered the answers.

(3) Imagining a past scenario from a future perspective:

  • In five years, we will have looked back on this moment and laughed.
  • By the time we are old, we will have shared so many memories.
  • When you return, I will have missed you so much.
  • By the time I retire, I will have worked for 40 years.
  • In the future, we will have accomplished great things together.

(4) Expressing regrets or assumptions about missed opportunities:

  • I will have regretted not taking that job offer.
  • By the time I realize it, the opportunity will have passed.
  • They will have wished they had listened to my advice.
  • I fear that by the time we recognize the problem, it will have escalated.
  • By the time she understands, I will have moved on.

(5) Hypothetical situations or conditions:

  • If he doesn’t arrive on time, we will have started without him.
  • If you haven’t finished your work, you will have failed the assignment.
  • If they miss the flight, they will have lost their chance for a refund.
  • If I don’t practice regularly, I will have forgotten how to play the piano.
  • If it rains tomorrow, the event will have been postponed.

(6) Expressing assumptions or expectations about a future event:

  • By this time next year, he will have become a renowned author.
  • I’m confident that they will have achieved their goals by the end of the quarter.
  • By the time we reach retirement age, we will have saved enough for a comfortable life.
  • I expect that she will have mastered the skill by the time of the competition.
  • By the time the conference starts, they will have finalized the presentation.

(7) Speculating about the cause or reason for a future event:

  • By the time he gets home, she will have left for work.
  • If they don’t hurry, they will have missed the train.
  • By next year, the company will have expanded its operations globally.
  • If she studies diligently, she will have passed the exam with flying colors.
  • By the time the baby is born, they will have redecorated the nursery.

(8) Narrating a sequence of events in the future:

  • After we finish dinner, we will have watched a movie.
  • By the time he wakes up, she will have already left for work.
  • Once they arrive, we will have set up the equipment.
  • After the concert ends, we will have taken pictures with the band.
  • When the sun sets, they will have completed their hike.

(9) Expressing conditions or consequences in hypothetical situations:

  • If they haven’t finished the project by the deadline, they will have to face penalties.
  • If she doesn’t catch the train, she will have to wait for the next one.
  • Unless they start studying now, they will have failed the exam.
  • If we don’t save enough money, we will have to postpone our vacation.
  • If he misses the flight, he will have to reschedule his meeting.

Here are some time expression words commonly used with the future perfect tense:

  • By tomorrow
  • In a week
  • By next month
  • In five years
  • By the end of the day
  • In two hours
  • By the time I arrive
  • In the morning
  • By next summer
  • In a few minutes
  • By this time next year
  • In a month’s time
  • By the weekend
  • In ten days
  • By the stroke of midnight
  • In the near future
  • By the time the sun sets
  • In a matter of moments