Present Simple Tense Formula, Explained with Examples

(A)- Present Simple Tense With “To Be Verb”

Be Verb (am/is/are):
Positive sentence

[Subject + Be Verb (am/is/are) + predicate]

  • I am a student.
  • He is from America.
  • You are late.

(2) Negative sentence

[Subject + Be Verb (am/is/are) + not + predicate]

  • I am not a student.
  • He is not from America.
  • You are not late

(3) Interrogative sentence

[Be Verb (is/am/are) + Subject + predicate + ?]

  • Am I a student?
  • Is he from America?
  • Are you late?

(4) Interrogative Negative:
[Be Verb (Is/am/are) + Subject + not + predicate + ?] OR [Be Verb (Isn’t/ain’t/aren’t) + Subject + predicate + ?]

  • Am I not a student?
  • Isn’t he from America?
  • Are you not late?

(5) Wh-Word Form:
[Wh-word + be verb (is/am/are) + subject + predicate + ?]


  • Who are you?
  • What is your name?
  • How old are you?

(B)- Present Simple Tense With Other Verbs

(1) Affirmative Sentences:
[Subject + Verb 1st form (s/es) + Object]

  • She writes a letter every day.
  • The sun rises in the east.
  • They speak Spanish fluently.
  • He works as a teacher.
  • The train departs at 9 a.m.

(2) Negative Sentences:
Add “do not” (don’t) before the base form of the verb for all subjects. Example: “They don’t like coffee.”
Add “does not” (doesn’t) before the base form of the verb for singular third-person pronouns or singular nouns.
[Subject + Doesn’t/don’t + Verb 1st form + Object]

  • She does not write a letter every day. (Doesn’t)
  • The sun does not rise in the east. (Doesn’t)
  • They do not speak Spanish fluently. (Don’t)
  • He does not work as a teacher. (Doesn’t)
  • The train does not depart at 9 a.m. (Doesn’t)

(3) Interrogative Sentences:
Use the auxiliary verb “do” (in present simple) before the subject for all subjects except third-person singular.
[ Doesn’t/don’t + Subject + Verb 1st form + Object + ?]

  • Do you like coffee?
  • Do the birds sing in the morning?
  • Do you and your friends play sports together?
  • Do they like to travel?
  • Do the flowers bloom in spring?

Use the auxiliary verb “does” before the subject for third-person singular.

  • Does she like coffee?
  • Does he speak English?
  • Does it rain a lot in that region?
  • Does she eat breakfast every morning?
  • Does he take the bus to work?

(4) Interrogative Negative:
[Do/Does + Subject + not + Verb 1st form + Object + ?] OR [Don’t/Doesn’t + Subject + Verb 1st form + Object + ?]

Don’t you like coffee?
Does he not play the guitar?
Don’t they live in London?
Doesn’t she speak Spanish?
Do we not have class tomorrow?

(5) Wh-Word Form:
[Wh-word + do/does + Subject + Verb 1st form + Object + ?]

  • What time does the movie start?
  • Where does she live?
  • How often do you exercise?
  • Why does he always arrive late?
  • Who teaches English at the school?
  • When do they have their team meetings?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Which book does she recommend?
  • Whose car is parked outside?
  • What do you usually eat for breakfast?