Present Simple Tense Active and Passive Voice Rules, Explained with Examples

(1) Positive Form:

Active Voice:
[Subject + Verb + Object]
Passive Voice:
[Object + helping verb (is/am/are) + 3rd form of verb + by + subject]

Active VoicePassive Voice
They bake delicious cakes.Delicious cakes are baked by them.
He repairs the computer.The computer is repaired by him.
We recycle plastic bottles.Plastic bottles are recycled by us.
People speak English worldwide.English is spoken worldwide.
The company produces high-quality goods.High-quality goods are produced by the company.
(2) Negative:

Active Voice:
[Subject + do/does + not + verb + object]
Passive Voice:
[Object + helping verb (is/am/are) + not + 3rd form of verb + by + subject]

Active VoicePassive Voice
She doesn’t clean the room.The room is not cleaned by her.
They don’t use the computer.The computer is not used by them
He doesn’t fix the problem.The problem is not fixed by him.
We don’t open the store on Sundays.The store is not opened by us on Sundays.
People don’t follow the rules.The rules are not followed by people.
(3) Interrogative Form:

Active Voice:
[Do/Does + subject + verb + object + ?]
Passive Voice:
[Helping verb (is/am/are) + object + 3rd form of verb + by + subject + ?]

Active VoicePassive Voice
Does he teach English?Is English taught by him?
Do they clean the house?Is the house cleaned by them?
Does she prepare dinner?Is dinner prepared by her?
Do we recycle paper?Is paper recycled by us?
Do people speak Spanish here?Is Spanish spoken here?