Present Continuous Tense Exercises

Created by
English Learning 101

Present Continuous Tense

Exercise Level 1

1 / 10

The cat _______ on the couch right now.

2 / 10

I _______ dinner right now.

3 / 10

The baby _______ loudly at the moment.

4 / 10

They ________ to Europe next month.

5 / 10

She _______ TV at the moment.

6 / 10

They _______ soccer in the park today.

7 / 10

We _______ for the exam tonight.

8 / 10

The birds _______ in the trees right now.

9 / 10

He _______ dinner for us tonight.

10 / 10

My parents _______ in the garden today.

Your score is

The average score is 95%


Created by English Learning 101

Present Continuous Tense

Exercises Level 2

1 / 15

_____ the team _______ the match?

2 / 15

He _________ the guitar very well.

3 / 15

He _______ for the bus at the bus stop.

4 / 15

The chef _________ a delicious meal in the kitchen.

5 / 15

Look! The children _________ in the pool right now.

6 / 15

The sun _________ brightly in the clear blue sky.

7 / 15

_____ you ______  to music while working?

8 / 15

_____ she _____  a book right now?

9 / 15

_____ you _______  any sports during your vacation?

10 / 15

The car _________ because the battery is dead.

11 / 15

They _______ soccer every Saturday afternoon.

12 / 15

They _______ dinner at their favorite restaurant tonight.

13 / 15

_____the baby _______ well at night?

14 / 15

We __________ meat, as we are vegetarians.

15 / 15

Mia and her brother _________ a movie in the living room.

Your score is

The average score is 95%


Created by English Learning 101

Present Continuous Tense

Exercise Level 3

1 / 20

_____ you _____ the meeting tomorrow?

2 / 20

They are ______ dinner at the new restaurant.

3 / 20

He _____ planning a surprise for his girlfriend.

4 / 20

We are ______ on vacation next week.

5 / 20

The teacher is ________ a difficult concept to the students.

6 / 20

You _______ studying for your final exams.

7 / 20

_______ you going for your vacation?

8 / 20

________ we going on vacation next week?

9 / 20

she ______ taking any classes this semester.

10 / 20

_____ they _____ doing their shopping for the weekend?

11 / 20

Why is he ________ for a new job?

12 / 20

_____ she preparing her presentation for tomorrow?

13 / 20

she is ______ her online class right now.

14 / 20

_____ you working on a research project for your science class?

15 / 20

_____ he attending a conference on artificial intelligence?

16 / 20

She ______ baking a cake for the party.

17 / 20

_______ we planning for our friend's birthday?

18 / 20

_____ the team practicing for the upcoming match?

19 / 20

The children are ________ a movie in the living room.

20 / 20

The company is ________ a new product in the market.

Your score is

The average score is 100%
