Past Simple Tense Active and Passive Voice Rules, Explained with Examples

(1) Passive Form:

Active Voice:
[Subject + 2nd form of verb + Object]
Passive Voice:
[Object + helping verb (was/were) + 3rd form of verb + by + subject]

Active VoicePassive Voice
She wrote a letter.A letter was written by her.
They built a new house.A new house was built by them.
The company launched a new product.A new product was launched by the company.
The teacher taught the students.The students were taught by the teacher.
We cooked dinner.Dinner was cooked by us.
(2) Negative Form:

Active Voice:
[Subject + did + not + 1st form of verb + object]
Passive Voice:
[Object + was/were + not + 3rd form of verb + by + subject]

Active VoicePassive Voice
He didn’t complete the task.The task wasn’t completed by him.
They didn’t invite her to the party.She wasn’t invited to the party by them.
The dog didn’t chase the cat.The cat wasn’t chased by the dog.
We didn’t receive the package.The package wasn’t received by us.
She didn’t solve the puzzle.The puzzle wasn’t solved by her.
(3) Interrogative Form:

Active Voice:
[Did + subject + 1st form of verb + object + ?]
Passive Voice:
[Was/Were + object + 3rd form of verb + by + subject + ?]

Active VoicePassive Voice
Did they clean the room?Was the room cleaned by them?
Did she bake the cake?Was the cake baked by her?
Did he fix the car?Was the car fixed by him?
Did you write the report?Was the report written by you?
Did they build the bridge?Was the bridge built by them?