Past Perfect Tense Active and Passive Voice Rules, Explained with Examples

Positive Form:

Active Voice:
[Subject + had + 3rd form of verb + Object]
Passive Voice:
[Object + had + been + 3rd form of verb + by + subject]

Active VoicePassive Voice
She had already solved the puzzle.The puzzle had already been solved by her.
They had repaired the car before the race.The car had been repaired before the race by them.
He had finished his homework.His homework had been finished by him.
We had booked the tickets in advance.The tickets had been booked in advance by us.
The team had won the championship.The championship had been won by the team.
Negative Form:

Active Voice:
[Subject + had + not + 3rd form of verb + object]
Passive Voice:
[Object + had + not + been + 3rd form of verb + by + subject]

Active VoicePassive Voice
She had not completed the assignment.The assignment had not been completed by her.
They had not finished the project on time.The project had not been finished on time by them.
He had not written the report.The report had not been written by him.
We had not received the payment.The payment had not been received by us.
We had not found the missing keys.The missing keys had not been found by us.
Interrogative Form:

Active Voice:
[Had + subject + 3rd form of verb + object + ?]
Passive Voice:
[Had + object + been + 3rd form of verb + by + subject + ?]

Active VoicePassive Voice
Had she completed the task?Had the task been completed by her?
Had they finished their work before the deadline?Had the work been finished before the deadline by them?
Had he written the letter?Had the letter been written by him?
Had you received the package?Had the package been received by you?
Had the company achieved its sales target?Had the sales target been achieved by the company?