Past Continuous Tense Active and Passive Voice Rules, Explained with Examples

(1) Positive Form:

Active Voice:
[Subject + was/were + ing form of verb + Object]
Passive Voice:
[Object + helping verb (was/were) + being + 3rd form of verb + by + subject]

Active VoicePassive Voice
They were singing a song.A song was being sung by them.
She was cooking dinner.Dinner was being cooked by her.
We were watching a movie.A movie was being watched by us.
He was painting the wall.The wall was being painted by him.
The dog was chasing the cat.The cat was being chased by the dog.
(2) Negative Form:

Active Voice:
[Subject + was/were + not + ing form of verb + object]
Passive Voice:
[Object + was/were + not + being + 3rd form of verb + by + subject]

Active VoicePassive Voice
They were not watching TV.TV was not being watched by them.
She was not preparing dinner.Dinner was not being prepared by her.
We were not playing soccer.Soccer was not being played by us.
He was not fixing the car.The car was not being fixed by him.
The children were not eating ice cream.Ice cream was not being eaten by the children.
(3) Interrogative Form:

Active Voice:
[Was/Were + subject + ing form of verb + object + ?]
Passive Voice:
[Was/Were + object + being + 3rd form of verb + by + subject + ?]

Active VoicePassive Voice
Were they studying for the test?Was the test being studied for by them?
Was she working on the project?Was the project being worked on by her?
Were you playing the piano?Was the piano being played by you?
Were they fixing the car?Was the car being fixed by them?
Was he writing a letter?Was a letter being written by him?