Introduction of Past Simple Tense, Definition, Rules, Explained with Examples

The past simple tense is used to describe actions, events, or states that occurred and were completed in the past. It typically involves adding “-ed” to regular verbs or using irregular forms. It is used to talk about specific past actions, sequences of events, past habits, or narratives. Negative and interrogative forms are created using the auxiliary verb “did.” Time expressions are often used to indicate when the action took place.

(A) Spelling rules for creating 2rd form of verb:
Here are examples of forming the past simple tense for different verb types:

(1) Regular Verbs:
Rule: Add “-ed” to the base form of the verb.

Walk + ed = Walked
Play + ed = Played
Listen + ed = Listened
Help + ed = Helped
Call + ed = Called

(2) Verbs ending in -e:
Rule: Add “-d” to the base form of the verb.

Dance + d = Danced
Smile + d = Smiled
Like + d = Liked
Hope + d = Hoped
Live + d = Lived

(3) Verbs ending in a consonant + “y”:
Rule: Change the “y” to “i” and add “-ed” to the base form of the verb.

Carry – y + ied = Carried
Try – y + ied = Tried
Study – y + ied = Studied
Cry – y + ied = Cried
Apply – y + ied + Applied

(4) If the base form of the verb ends in vowel and “y”: Add “-ed” to base form of verb.

  • Play + ed = Played
  • Enjoy + ed = Enjoyed
  • Obey + ed = Obeyed
  • Display + ed = Displayed
  • Pray + ed = Prayed

(5) Verbs ending in a single vowel + a single consonant:
Rule: Double the consonant and add “-ed” to the base form of the verb.

Stop + p + ed = Stopped
Plan + n + ed = Planned
Rob + b + ed = Robbed
Chat + t + ed = Chatted
Hop + p + ed = Hopped

(6) When the base form of a verb ends in the consonants “w,” “x,” or “y,” we don’t double the consonant in the past simple tense. Instead, we simply add “-ed” to the base form.

Follow + ed = Followed
Fix + ed = Fixed
Enjoy + ed = Enjoyed
Play + ed = Played
Stay + ed = Stayed

(7) Irregular Verbs:
Irregular verbs have unique past simple forms that do not follow a specific pattern.

Go → Went
Eat → Ate
See → Saw
Drink → Drank
Take → Took