Uses of Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Explained with Examples

The present perfect continuous tense is used to express ongoing actions that started in the past and continue into the present. It highlights duration, ongoing situations, experiences, and recent actions. It can also convey frequency, interruption, justification, and knowledge.

(1) Action in Progress:

  • She has been working on the project for hours.
  • They have been studying all night for the exam.
  • He has been painting the house since morning.
  • We have been waiting for the train for ages.
  • The team has been practicing tirelessly for the match.

(2) Duration:

  • They have been living in that house for five years.
  • She has been traveling around Europe for the past month.
  • We have been talking on the phone for over an hour.
  • He has been playing the guitar for three hours straight.
  • I have been studying this subject for the entire semester.

(3) Experience:

  • I have been learning to play the piano.
  • They have been working in the IT industry for years.
  • She has been exploring different cuisines.
  • We have been volunteering at the local shelter.
  • He has been practicing martial arts for a long time.

(4) Ongoing Situation:

  • He has been working as a doctor for a decade.
  • They have been living in the city since childhood.
  • She has been managing the company for several years.
  • We have been attending the same school since kindergarten.
  • The project has been running behind schedule for months.

(5) Result of a Past Action:

  • She has been cooking, and now the meal is ready.
  • They have been studying, and their grades have improved.
  • He has been training hard, and now he’s in great shape.
  • We have been saving money, and now we can go on vacation.
  • The team has been practicing, and their performance has improved.

(6) Frequency:

  • They have been going to the gym three times a week.
  • She has been practicing yoga every morning.
  • We have been meeting for coffee once a month.
  • He has been taking Spanish lessons twice a week.
  • I have been jogging in the park regularly.

(7) Habitual Actions:

  • He has been visiting his parents every weekend.
  • They have been walking their dog every evening.
  • She has been reading a book before bed every night.
  • We have been having family dinners every Sunday.
  • The team has been training together every morning.

(8) Recent Actions:

  • They have been cleaning the house today.
  • She has been working on the report this afternoon.
  • We have been redecorating the living room this week.
  • He has been gardening in the backyard this morning.
  • I have been organizing my workspace just now.

(9) Interruption:

  • She has been studying, but now she is taking a break.
  • They have been working, but the power went out.
  • He has been cooking, but he ran out of ingredients.
  • We have been talking, but the phone call got disconnected.
  • The construction has been ongoing, but it halted due to bad weather.

(10) Justifications:

  • I have been working late because of the upcoming deadline.
  • They have been studying hard to improve their grades.
  • She has been saving money for a dream vacation.
  • We have been practicing daily to prepare for the competition.
  • He has been researching to gather information for the project.

(11) Knowledge/Information:

  • They have been studying Spanish, so their language skills have improved.
  • She has been reading books about history to broaden her knowledge.
  • We have been researching climate change and its impacts.
  • He has been learning programming languages, expanding his expertise.
  • I have been following the news to stay updated on current events.